Tuesday, January 01, 2008

what i've been thinking

I can't deny a certain charm
of blue sky against naked limbs
five black birds perched above
the moon arriving before dark.
Still, I am weary
pondering the endpoints of my life.

I went jogging today and it was warm enough, barely, to wear shorts. The poem above expresses pretty much what I saw and how I felt. I had been reading Benedict's letter Spe Salvi and I was struck by the idea that death is not some kind of punishment that God metes out, but as Augustine and others have stated, a kind of (partial) remedy. (The Navajo creation story makes a similar point where the twin brothers after slaying various monsters come across the old woman Sa' who represents mortality. They want to slay her too, but she talks them out of it. ) Anyhow, that what I've been thinking...

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Basic Car Wash

I, Subaru
am a monad,
an atomized mobile automaton,
an insect just like everybody else:
Four of my six legs are wheels.

The snow and ice are gone
but poison salt still sticks my underside.

shell US Dollars out to Shell,
punch code in keypad, pulling
ahead until a red light signals stop
(Jesus-fish and ribbons looping
martial-yellow, cancer-pink down by the drain)
Seducing foam... tsunami wash... senescent rinse...
green light intimating, Thank You. Come Again!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Mclone and Mcfraid (haiku)

Flags fly at half mast;
Banners stream, "Mc Rib is Back!"
Sweet Ronald, hold me.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Neologism of the day

Nebbishula noun 1. a cloud type resembling an pathetic vampire, see bimbostratus 2. any object or collection of objects esp. stars that so resembles a pathetic vampire-cloud 3. a vague, sinister and dorky person

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Fluids force,

And what was once productive-rolling
skirts, skates, skips
as silence slips.
Breaking, calling,
Awaken falling,
Slowly conversations sift.

I'm free to go but not exactly free.
Confined to bed and feeling rather sick.
The southern window's become a baleful eye.
Busted now, I am no longer hidden.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Doing what tastes right.

I went on a jog this morning, and the half-gnawed humerus and doggie ulna was still there right in the middle of the bike path, but it didn't bother me because I am used to it now. I can only hope that it is not some sort of message left by the trolls or gangstas warning joggers like myself to keep off their turf. Whatever. I ate fast food for lunch today and I think I am going to die anyways.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

subterrarean strategy

A wholly different way of feeling good
is to feel bad, moving the baseline down
to far below where one would care to be
and then to steal and wait out quietly
as drowsy days and dreamless nights repeat,
Repeat, converge then sink: oblivion.